Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Time to get your pets protected against ectoparasites and the diseases that they can cause

As the weather warms the risk to your pet from insects rises exponentially. Insects multiply faster in warmer climates, some that have been dormant over the winter months now start to become active again, parasites that have laid low over less favorable periods make their appearance again, never become complacent, they are always out there waiting for your guard to fall.

Fleas are by far the most prevalent problem in our community, this is because we live in a warm urban community, as the winter months become milder as a result of global warming the problems that result as a consequence of this insect become more manifest and now stretch over a longer period.
The principal clinical sign that fleas present with is intense pruritus (itchiness) especially over the tail base and the dorsal skin region in that vicinity, particularly with dogs, cats can present with a more generalised dermatitis especially around the neck region. So if your pet is chewing around its tail base or in that vicinity, do not bother looking for fleas, just assume your pet has them and treat it accordingly. If you treat your pet for fleas and it is still itchy then bring it to us, there is very probably a secondary complication that needs to be addresses, for example if your animal suddenly becomes smellier then there is a high probability that it has a secondary skin dermatitis and possibly a yeast infection.
Fleas in cats can carry a blood parasite that can cause serious illness in cats, Mycoplasma haemofelis, this parasite can cause acute illness with the feline presenting with fever, lethargy and general malaise, blood results tend to show a regenerative anaemia. At this stage the bacteria can be treated very successfully with a protracted course of antibiotics. However in some cases there is no acute episode that is picked up by the owner, in these cases the disease becomes chronic and potentially life threatening. What happens is that the bacteria keeps destroying red blood cells and the bone marrow keeps regenerating new corpuscles, therefore the cat is clinically normal yet internally the bone marrow is working in overdrive. If this persists over a long period the bone marrow becomes exhausted and loses its ability to regenerate new red blood cells. At this point the cat starts to look unwell, pale, often exhibiting weight loss, lethargic, mild dehydration, symptoms of chronic illness. Unfortunately in these cases the prognosis is guarded and treatment is often unsuccessful.

Phlebotomus (biting fly)  is an important insect vector that become active in the warmer months, ambient night temperature has to be over 14/15 degrees centigrade for the larva to develop , my rule of thumb is that if you start wearing tee-shirts and shorts in the evenings then it is important that your pet has protection. From a previous article this is the fly that transmits the protozoa that causes leishmania, a potentially fatal disease if left untreated and once acquired it is an illness for life in the majority of cases.

Mosquitos also become active in these warmer months, the principal illness that they could carry in our community is heartworm as mentioned in my last article. There is no current information as to the prevalence of this disease in our area and we are currently undergoing a study, so if you want your dog or cat tested for this parasite we are still doing this pro bono at the Gibraltar Veterinary Clinic.

The other main groups of insect vectors are the ticks, there are different types of ticks and diseases that can be transmitted by these arachnids (adults have 8 legs as opposed to 6 of insects). I have gone through these at length in a previous article, but to summarise these parasites carry loads of infections that can cause chronic life threatening disease so prevention is crucial for your pet’s health.

The gold standard in protecting your pet against all these vectors is a combination of a systemic ectoparasitic medication with an external product. This gives a double safe protection, it will protect your pet against potential serious illness if applied properly and will prevent  you going through heartache.